Agghiunci n'argumenturef - bburdatu - abburdatu
[cancia]Ranchio (ranch) was commonplace among Italians on the West Coast but unknown on the East. Similarly, livetta, referring to the elevated train was limited to the cities of the East Coast, although variations in usage existed even within the same geographical area depending on the region of origin in Italy.
It included Italianized English loan words (carro for "car", marchetta for "market").
Even in cases where equivalents were certainly known, the ubiquity of certain English words -stritto (street), boia (boy)- ensured that they would be incorporated into the immigrant dialect. The word "fight", which was first changed into "faiti", can be seen in such unrecognizable forms as faitare, faitato, faitava, faito, faitasse, and many more.
Thus one Sicilian might use abburdatu for boarder but another would say bburdatu.
The influence of Neapolitan, the dialect that was the most readily understood by southerners throughout the peninsula, was evident in all versions of the Italo-American dialects, but especially that spoken in New York.
vorche for work, ticcia for teacher
Sociologist Michael La Sorte describes the phrase azzorrait (that's alright) ... Azzorrait could mean yes; don't mention it; no harm has been done; good;
giobbista (jobber), mascine (machines)
ref abbordare USA
[cancia]abbasso città: downtown
abbordare: to board
adresso: adress
aidonchera: I don't care
aite: height
aigacciu: I've got you, I understand
airisce: Irish
- airono: I don't know
ais bochs: icebox, refrigerator
- aiscule: high school
ref bordante - bordo - abbordato - bordante
[cancia]- bomma: bum
- bondo: bond
- Bonveria: Bowery (New York)
- bordante: Italian boarding house operator
- bordo, abbordato: boarder
- bossa: wife of boss, housekeeper, proprietress
- bosso: boss, employer, proprietor
- botta: boat