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Discussioni utenti:Ahoerstemeier

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Hi, many thanks for notifying us the spammed pages. Best regards. --Sarvaturi 10:23, 19 Giugnu 2007 (UTC)

To prevent this spambot from readding these nonsense pages, copy the article wikibooks:my:User:Ahoerstemeier/Spambot here, change the namespaces if necessary, and protect that page. Important is to check the box "Cascading protection (automatically protect any pages transcluded in this page)". Ahoerstemeier 09:41, 28 Giugnu 2007 (UTC)

Hi Ahoerstemeier. I copied your page "Spambot" (see User:Sarvaturi/Spambot) and I activated the "cascading protection" as you said me, and it works very well! Thanks a lot! Best regards. --Sarvaturi 13:41, 28 Giugnu 2007 (UTC)

Yes, in case that spambot chooses to hit a new strange article, just add it to that page like those already there. But I think I already listed those most commonly attacked pages, so this Wiki should be more-or-less save from this spambot now. Ahoerstemeier 13:56, 28 Giugnu 2007 (UTC)
  • OK, I thank you very much for having explained it (about the adding) to me and for teaching me this type of protection. Best regards. Have a nice day! --Sarvaturi 14:00, 28 Giugnu 2007 (UTC)

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